RaShaun Davis

The Hangover: We Ain’t New To This

RaShaun Davis
The Hangover: We Ain’t New To This

Have you ever been so drunk that even though you got a full night of sleep you can wake up and still possibly get a dui? We’re not gonna play like you haven’t so anyways..

If your first thoughts when you open your eyes are “How did I get here?” or your fuzzy recollection of “I think I was wild’n last night” then yes my friend you need to do better, BUT don’t fret that has been all of us at some point or another.

You instantly start reaching for your phone because you know there’s going to be few messages there or messages you need to send to piece together your night. Studies have found (my many nights) that there’s a 70% chance you made a jaw dropping decision that may or may not be funny so you might side eye your damn self the next time you think about drinking for the next outing.

That morning you also wake up and instantly send up a prayer that you will calm down in the future (whole time you promise to stop too but whatever)…. but you won’t because well niggas don’t learn.



It’s a huge sign that you are experiencing a hangover

There are a few ways to take care of that.


1.       You could just sit your ass down and avoid this entirely but who does that, right?

2.       Drink water throughout the night as you’re binge drinking

3.       Eat and stay hydrated throughout the day when you wake up

We’re trying to have great nights without the horrible mornings.

With that said go and make bad decisions in peace.

Continue with your day.