RaShaun Davis

He Has Russell Potential but He's Currently a Jody

RaShaun Davis
He Has Russell Potential but He's Currently a Jody

You have now found a man that you’re finally interested in. He’s funny, has great conversation, is great in bed, and maybe even has a slight edge. Imagine yourself staring at this man who makes you happy and you think “what do I need to do to make sure he goes nowhere?” meanwhile all the red flags that have been staring you in the face have been ignored. For some reason Nobody has told you that this probably isn’t going to work.

Hi, I’m Nobody and I’m here to tell you this shit isn’t going to work for you.

Women are always involved with men with the thought of how to “lock them down” or how to “keep them there”. The thing is, YOU CAN’T. Well, unless you’re gonna trap him and 9.5 out of 10 times won’t work out well for you. I don’t want you to end up getting approached while you’re 8 months pregnant by someone coming to you as a women or as a man which is now becoming more common. Now you’re at home angry, pregnant, and with swollen feet as the man you trapped is riding around in your Altima with another woman. He isn’t a animal so there’s no need for a trap. The main lesson here is don’t force a situation that wasn’t meant for you in the first place.

Women have this amazing ability to see gold in trash, and these niggas be TRASH, but there are so many great qualities that haven’t been brought up to the surface successfully. Women will put in the time to foster those qualities in a man to groom him into the person that she knows that he can be.

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The problem is that she’s putting in all the effort to change something/someone that is not her. That man will not change unless he wants to. You also need to communicate what is that you see in him, and that you want him to work towards this change. Most of y’all be working towards a task that he doesn’t even know about and at the end you’re sour and mad about some shit that’s partly your fault.

Potential is amazing when it’s realized, but when it’s not then its simply a waste and not nearly as impactful as it could’ve been. If you want to be successful or simply don’t want your feelings hurt than stop always looking at potential and look at what is. If that man is working towards something and making good decisions towards that potential you see then I suggest you shoot if you haven’t already, but if not leave that man where he stand.

Women more often than not will live up to their potential before a man does and that’s a fact.

Some women may be reading this thinking “well how do I keep the good man that I already have? HOW?”.


Even if he’s a good guy you can’t make that man stay there. The best thing you can do is to be you and whatever version of a great woman that you want to be. If things don’t work out then charge it to the game and keep it moving.

Just be a good person and you’ll be okay. Unless you know you’re not then you have other things to worry about.

Sincurly yours,
