Direction? Is That You?
We have all been asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?”, and I’m sure most of us have realized that we’re not whatever that is today. You may have no goals or maybe, just maybe, you might be a normal person searching for your own path to walk on but don’t know where you’re even at now.
As we age, the amount of choices that we have expand, the experiences we gain teaches us, and life shows us that not just one answer is the right answer. Everyone can be right in whatever they choose to do. The trick comes when you compare another’s choice to your situation that may be exactly the same, or pretty similar, but their choice was right for them and it may not be right for you.
Do not always take others advice for face value, not even your parents. Thanks to our parents we have been equipped with the knowledge and experiences that have put us in a position to make a better choice than they would’ve when they were our age. What they say may not be wrong, but do you know of a better choice?
“How do I make the right choice when I don’t even know what’s best for me?” Is an entire mood. In most cases you already know the choice you want to choose but are just too afraid to do it. You constantly double back on that choice that’s been lingering in your head because of the what if’s. When the window of opportunity closes you then regret not going through with it. Sometimes saying “fuck it, lets do it” is the move, but if you truly can’t handle that then by all means go the safe route.
As we all know taking a risk can possibly get you further than taking the safe route. My question to you is, what’s that risk that you’re going to take to possibly move you forward? I can’t tell you where that decision might lead you, but that’s what makes life so exciting because you’ll be further ahead with a new experience, and possibly a different perspective on how to move forward.
Get to know yourself. How will you be the best you when you don’t know how to be you. You don’t know who you are, what you like, what you don’t like, what you value, and ultimately your bottom line.
To sum this all up, you have to do different to get different. you can’t do the same thing everyday and expect to find a new opportunity outside of that. Step outside of what you know and find out what you don’t.
You’re not alone. On the other side of fear might be what you’re looking for.
Define Success, Define Happiness, and Define You.
Be Great!
A new adult trying to find his way