RaShaun Davis

Polygamy or Polyamory

RaShaun Davis
Polygamy or Polyamory

Typically, we all start off on the route of dating one person at a time, or more than one person without consent for my slightly trifling folks, which is okay. After having experienced choosing one person there may be a thought in the back of your head as to “why not two?”. Is that for you or is it not? It’s up to you to pursue that curiousity. I’m just here to help you get started.

Polygamy or polyandry, if you’re a woman, is the practice of having multiple spouses. This means a woman could have multiple husbands and a man can have multiple wives. It’s more so related to religion. It’s Illegal in all 50 states in America, but it is still practiced by those of the Mormon religion within the state of Utah. This is completely a marriage based relationship where multiple women can only be married to that man and multiple men can only be married to that woman.

Polyamory is the act of having consensual relationships with multiple people regardless of gender that can be sexual and/or romantic. A person can have multiple loves within this relationship. Each person could possibly be in different relationships. Nobody is sneaking around. The dynamic of that relationship is set by those involved to set boundaries that they’re all comfortable with.

Someone is reading this right now thinking they’re with all this shit… No you’re not. You not about this shit for real.

These two practices are not for everyone and that’s okay. Do your due diligence if you’re truly interested to find out if one of these paths is the one you want to walk down.


Sexuality and the spectrum that exists within it has been evolving a lot more recently, which has lead to more people choosing to explore all that’s in between.

You might be a woman who dominates most of her relationships and may need a different route to go about relationships. You might be a woman who enjoys different type of men, the different perspectives, and the way each one of them make you feel. You may love the experience of both genders and the different ends of the spectrum they bring into your life.

As men we can be greedy and want multiple women at one time. of course, this is possible depending on how you go about it and the individuals involved. Even so, This lifestyle may not be for you in the long run. Obviously, there are more aspects besides sex and beautiful women involved so consider what you can handle before diving into the situation.

Consider if these are truly paths you may want to involve yourself in. You can only do this by knowing yourself. From there you’ll see if these two completely different concepts are for you or not.

It’s okay to try new things, male or female. It’s easy to compare and think of what people may think of you, but it’s really hard to make yourself happy. Don’t miss that opportunity.


Your guide, Enjoy your day.