RaShaun Davis

Emerald Top

RaShaun Davis
Emerald Top

Sometimes the random unexpected nights are usually the best ones.

Summer 2018

So boom

It was a Saturday night and I didn’t really feel like going out. I had a long day though and felt I needed to enjoy myself so I’m like fuck it let’s go do something. I hit up a friend and we found a move.

My friend and I went to an event on the northside of Chicago and when we walked in we seen a few familiar people and did the usual fake humble “I’m trying to get like you” shit. Some time goes by and in walks this beautiful woman. She had on this emerald top, black jeans, I didn’t pay much attention to the heels, but I know whatever heels she had on went with the fit. I just know she looked GOODT. The conversation I was paying attention to before she walked in I don’t even care for it anymore.

After a brief second of looking at this woman I realized that I knew her from a couple years back. We had a few mutual friends and we would occasionally see each and have a few conversations. She looked good back then and now she looks even better.

At this point, I have to shoot at some point throughout the night. Mind you, she knows of a couple women I use to mess with. They’re not friends or anything so that’s good. I don’t care either way, but it’s always good to know when you’re about to shoot your shot. I can’t shoot too early since she just got there, she’s just trying get settled, and speak to the people she knows. I can’t shoot too late because niggas love shooting as events are letting out (figuratively and literally), and I ain’t trying to wait in line to speak to nobody. I’m playing it cool not trying to pay attention to her so I start a conversation with someone to take my interest away for a while.

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It’s time. Everybody is having a good time and just enjoying themselves. I slip off from the group real quick. I gotta move through a drunk crowd and just hope nobody makes a sudden movement while they’re holding a drink. As I’m navigating through the drunk mess of people I notice the girl with the emerald top sees me walking her way. When I finally get to her I’m surprisingly greeted with a huge smile and tight hug. I’m thinking either she’s drunk or she missed me. We start talking about what each other has been up to. Then Boo’d Up by Ella Mai started playing while we were talking. We both put on our sexy eyes now.

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When I received this sign from god I just knew I was getting the number and possibly the panties.

The vibes are in the air. She says “We need to hang out soon”

In my head “Say less, run me that number”. I pull out my phone and she puts the number in. I text her my name so that I don’t forget.

The event ends and we go our separate ways for the night.

Or so I thought…

Always shoot your shot.

Have a great day